Are you a CEO, a managing partner, a director? Do you lead a board, an executive committee, a management team? Then leadership matters. Let’s talk.
Because I can help you and your leadership team fulfil your leadership duties in a creative, effective, and impactful manner.
What is the value that you want to create for your organisation and for yourself? And to what extent are you achieving that goal?
I help leaders think strategically, communicate in an inspiring way, discover new perspectives and explore new ideas, make leadership meetings more productive and efficient, elevate their own level of energy and energise their entire organisation.
I work with leaders individually, or with the entire leadership team (ExCo, board, partnership, etc.). Sometimes I work further down the line to engage the entire organisation.
One-to-one coaching, team coaching, strategy workshops, leadership team’s retreats, event and meeting facilitation, visual talks… See below the different formats of my work with leaders.
As a leader, you don’t have much time to think thoroughly. You must absorb and process a lot of data, decide often and quickly, move from one meeting to the next without interruption.
That does not leave much time for exploring and elaborating your ideas, listening to your intuition and feelings, making sense of the challenges you are facing, and thinking strategically.Thinking is easier and goes deeper if you have a thinking companion: someone you trust and who will listen to you carefully, gently challenge you, explore your thoughts with you, and when needed suggest new perspectives, ideas, and feedback.
We may cover a wide range of issues in our conversations, depending on what matters to you: strategy, organizational matters, current issues, upcoming goals and challenges, people and relations, career goals, health and fitness, emotions and feelings, and even spirituality.
Whatever subject you put on the table, we will dig into it and you will discover unexpected perspectives and eventually your own truth.
With this coaching program, you will embark on a journey to explore the five pillars of value creation for leadership teams, and how to apply them practically.
We will discuss your team’s mission (what value do you want to create as a team, for whom?), your team’s concrete goals, your performance in working together, how you collectively connect with and engage the rest of the organization, and how you keep learning and improving as a team.
From time to time, your leadership team needs to focus intensely on a particular matter and accomplish tangible results within a short period of time: formulate a new vision for the business, design a new strategy, brainstorm, discuss a difficult matter, prepare the launch of an important program, respond to a crisis…
Hiring me as a facilitator will allow you to focus entirely on the content. I will be in charge of structuring the work session and ensuring it is productive and it delivers the expected outcome.
Delivering outstanding, impacful speeches is the hallmark of great leadership. Yet so many business leaders deliver dull presentations. Don’t allow yourself to be one of them.
Whatever your current level of public speaking performance, you (and your audience!) will benefit greatly from coaching with me, as hundreds of business leaders have before you.
We will clarify the goal and the main idea of your speech, improve its content and structure, make sure it is not too long, boost the impact of your slides if you use some, and elevate your game on the stage. Expect a standing ovation.
Clients regularly ask me to facilitate big conferences. A few examples: a full-day seminar with the shareholders of the company, a strategy conference for the entire senior management, a big event organised by the corporate university.
They are kind enough to describe my facilitation style as “excellent”, “elegant”, “witty”, “humorous”, “entertaining”, “energizing”, “relevant”, “well structured”.
For example, I am currently the facilitator of the Director Climate Journey, a learning journey organized by Chapter Zero Brussels for members of board of directors to become “climate-competent”.
It is good practice for leadership teams to go off-site a day or two.
You don’t need me if you just want to do “team building” stuff.
But if your ambition is to discuss important matters, think strategically, and get tangible results, my presence can make a huge difference.
I will help you before the retreat to identify the issues and prepare the conversation about them, at the retreat to make it equally energizing and productive, and after the retreat to ensure that the goodwill generated at the retreat does not evaporate in the following days or weeks.
I coach individual leaders (CEOs, C-level executives, managing partners, etc.) and leadership teams (boards, executive committees, BU management teams, partners’ meetings, etc.).
My clients range from large companies (Alstom, Engie, Marsh, Revantage Europe, Schneider Electric, Solvay, Thalys, etc.) to smaller but fast-growing ones (have you heard of MySkillCamp ?)
They also include European trade federations, professional service firms (law firms, consulting firms, public affairs consultancies), and non-profits.
In this regard, I am particularly proud to facilitate – and I highly recommend if you are a board member - the Director Climate Journey that is offered by Chapter Zero Brussels.
“I always look forward to my sessions with Antoine ; he masters a unique balance of listening with sharing his experience and ideas. I recently got promoted and it is very important for me to have someone to talk to on the outside, for both the perspective and the encouragement.
Antoine introduces to me concepts and tools which guide and help me in structuring my ideas. His coaching right from the start of my journey as a CEO is a tremendous help to achieve growth and success!
Thank you Antoine!”
Rebecca Tielemans, CEO Belgium & Luxembourg, Marsh
Do you need to introduce me at a conference or event? Here are a few lines that can help:
He received a law degree (magna cum laude) from Université Libre de Bruxelles and a master’s degree from Columbia University. He is a certified master practitioner in NLP (neuro-linguistic programming). He is also a visual artist and delivers highly praised visual talks.
Before starting his coaching career in 2000, he worked as an attorney and an international company lawyer.”
“Antoine Henry de Frahan is a business coach for leaders and leadership teams, and Affiliate Professor at EDHEC Business School.
He is the author of several books, including Créer de la valeur ou disparaître and Six Steps to Outstanding Presentations.
“A must-read for everyone regardless of their public speaking experience! Antoine’s sense of humor makes it exciting to read, too!”
Michel Vanbrabant, CEO, iSTAR Medical
“C’est un vrai cours de business school qui se lit comme un roman. Le livre allie bon sens et exemples concrets ; vision et action. A lire et relire.”
Stanislas van Wassenhove - Fondateur de Trans-mutation